Meet Parveen and Daren Smith who were very upset when they brought their T6 to us last week.
They had just retrieved their vehicle from another specialist conversion company who had had it for 7 months and had left it in a very sorry state. The cupboards had been badly cut by hand and poorly finished with doors that didn't open and shut properly, the fridge, sink and cooker were missing and the openings were not correctly sized to fit new ones. The household electrics installed were not suitable for a camper and had been badly fitted. Sadly, Parveen and Daren had paid for the work up front and had been left out of pocket.
The only option that we had was to rip most of it out and start again but the clock was against us as Parveen and Daren had already got a holiday booked with their camper in August. Undaunted, the team set to work and completed the reconversion within a few days.
Watch the video below to see the VW Worx team 'reconverting' this T6!
If you would like a happy ending to your camper conversion story, contact the professionals at VW Worx on 01270 580000 or email